Memories Aren’t Déjà vu by Joyita Nag Shankar


The silken narration of events woven by the author Joyita is an entrancing, scintillating yet heart wrenching story of entwined lives of mystical characters which unravel long buried secrets ruling love, death, guilt and relationships. The unconventional ballad unfolds bygone relationships which brings to fore untold snippets of life. A must read for all ages who believe in the ageless romance.


The silken narration of events woven by the author Joyita is an entrancing, scintillating yet heart wrenching story of entwined lives of mystical characters which unravel long buried secrets ruling love, death, guilt and relationships. The unconventional ballad unfolds bygone relationships which brings to fore untold snippets of life. A must read for all ages who believe in the ageless romance.

Thanks to the publishing house, for producing a commendable piece of literature.

JOYITA NAG SHANKAR was born in the north eastern state of Sikkim to humble Bengali parents though her education was acquired in Delhi. She joined the corporate work force rather early and matured as a perfectionist in blue chip companies. Her vibrant personality exudes self confidence that attracts people from different strata’s for honest advice and wisdom. An avid travel enthusiast she has covered half the globe bringing rich perspectives to her daily chores. Her magnetic pleasing personality has won her many admirers from the multiple roles she juggles effortlessly. Her foray as an author was an obvious expectation as story telling came naturally to her. Her obedience to ideals and principles helps narrate the plot with aplomb through easy choice of words. Her maiden venture will appeal to all including the young and not so young!