Adrien Le Voyant is 52 years young, well-educated obtaining formal degree level accreditation, though by choice not pursuing his chosen profession. He sought wisdom as his primary goal and love which in itself is the wisest of pursuits, along with truth itself. So he became a seer through divine union as practiced by all true mystics. He has had visions, dreams, fulfilled prophecies, even miraculous transportation. He is a healer and spiritual director charging nothing for his advice or gifts of healing etc. And he travelled for two years solo in india and europe as a young man.
A satirical fictional novel using satire to make some serious points for reader reflection and consideration about world politics, history, economics, religion, use of military and economic and political power and slavery of all kinds. And an obvious rebuke to vain prejudice of all kinds that refuses to even listen to a contrary opinion before pronouncing judgment and ignores the evidence when rationally presented.
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