

Original price was: ₹ 250.00.Current price is: ₹ 200.00.

This is a story of an ordinary boy. In our society it is very common to find such a boy from middle class family struggling to overcome difficulties. But the main theme in the story is to fight till the end whether for his life or love. Not the destination but to memorize the journey of life gives the birth of this story.


This is a story of an ordinary boy. In our society it is very common to find such a boy from middle class family struggling to overcome difficulties. But the main theme in the story is to fight till the end whether for his life or love. Not the destination but to memorize the journey of life gives the birth of this story.

From a complete opposite world of literature it is the Author’s first effort. He is a successful engineer working in a West Bengal based company. But his passion for writing is only reason behind his work not the fame. There is some connection to his own life with this story and the ‘book’ is a symbol of his memories.