BIZZ-GURU by Mahesh Parna


BIZZ-GURU” helps the start-up entrepreneur in evaluating his readiness on various aspects for being a successful entrepreneur and arrive at a feasibility of the business by preparing the business plan and check –list which builds his confidence to start his own business.

SKU: ISBN 978-93-84882-05-1 Categories: , , , ,


A unique and innovative course – BIZZGURUdeveloped by Mahesh Parna with a vision to Transform an individual into successful entrepreneur and eradicate unemployment


Everybody has a desire to do business and earn lots of money, unfortunately most of us have a fear of failure and want to be safe .  Since there is no one to guide on

  1.        What to do ?
  2.        How to do ? …and very importantly
  3.        What NOT to DO ?

Success in Business is possible  ONLY if you take RIGHT DECISION at the RIGHT TIME, and generally start-ups / aspiring and budding entrepreneurs fail in decision making because of LACK OF KNOWLEDGE and GUIDANCE.

Generally people start their business with a GUT feeling looking into others business / concept,  by arranging some finance, without having the knowledge of how much finance is required and how it has to be allocated for CAPEX and OPEX.

As per the statistic figures in India, out of 100 start-ups ONLY 15 -20 % succeed in business and the rest are unable to taste the flavor of success, there is NO ROCKET science to be a successful entrepreneur it’s a combination of art & science. Art because you need  talent / skill in handling situations, which if not can be developed and its science because there are few basic essential steps ( mandatory )  that you need to complete to achieve success, because its already proved. Unfortunately there is No Training  / coaching institute / academy for people who have a strong desire and want to start their own business. where a start-up can check his readiness and feasibility of his idea / concept to get assured about his / her success .

This is a MAJOR CHALLENGE  for an Start-up / aspiring / budding entrepreneur and  as well as for existing entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur, I  see every challenge as an opportunity and hence have managed to develop a course after meeting couple of successful & failure entrepreneurs and have realized the reason behind the success and failure of a business. With this accumulated knowledge, understanding, experience & available resources managed to bridge the gap by developing a unique, innovative and user friendly course for start-up entrepreneurs to succeed in business.  BIZZ-GURU course plays a vital role in killing the fears, and activate the thought process through its  brain storming exercises which is developed after consulting many successful and failure entrepreneurs and understanding the cause of their decision making which has led them taste the flavor of  success & failure respectively.

Additional information

Weight 0.337 kg
Dimensions 20.32 × 1.5 × 26 cm

Perfect Binding

Number of Pages



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