Free Giveaway-Untold Tales to Tell


Some say that to be a writer one needs a truckload of perseverance, a bottle of scotch and some measure of honesty. Well, I have got a bagful of much travelled, somewhat educative and mostly mischievously embarrassing stories to share. The rest have been tucked away for future reference.

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Some say that to be a writer one needs a truckload of perseverance, a bottle of scotch and some measure of honesty. Well, I have got a bagful of much travelled, somewhat educative and mostly mischievously embarrassing stories to share. The rest have been tucked away for future reference.

This book comprises anecdotal short stories that are written in a conversational style. These stories resonate with everyday experiences without losing sight of the funny side. I hope they make for a light-hearted read, encourage the readers to laugh along and keep stress at bay.

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