The Buddha Convergence | English Short Story Book | Short Stories | Short Fiction Stories | Book of Short Stories | The Buddha Convergence by Diptendu Chatterjee

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Kajal smiled. She had faced some dangers earlier in her life. She was not afraid.

“No, uncle,” was her simple reply. Sumanta was thinking of the same incident. The man threw the stone from the North window. He had a good aim. Sumanta was lucky enough to survive the assault.

Find a collection of twenty-four more exciting short stories of different colours in the same book.



Kajal smiled. She had faced some dangers earlier in her life. She was not afraid.

“No, uncle,” was her simple reply. Sumanta was thinking of the same incident. The man threw the stone from the North window. He had a good aim. Sumanta was lucky enough to survive the assault. Find a collection of twenty-four more exciting short stories of different colours in the same book.


The Author

Likes to see life from different angles. Written his first book —

“Timothy’s Garden”.

Writes short stories and poems.

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