
Understanding The Vedic Wisdom by Rajat Kachru

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Are you a Hindu? You ask this question to a person claiming to be a Hindu, he will reply “Yes”. And when you ask “What is Hinduism”, you will get all kinds of responses from different people. It’s sad to know that even though the message of Hinduism is singular, people are not synchronized amongst themselves and resort to using creativity to answer the questions.


Are you a Hindu? You ask this question to a person claiming to be a Hindu, he will reply “Yes”. And when you ask “What is Hinduism”, you will get all kinds of responses from different people. It’s sad to know that even though the message of Hinduism is singular, people are not synchronized amongst themselves and resort to using creativity to answer the questions. What’s even worse is that you ask the same person the same question after one year and the answer will change. Hindus tend to feel bad that they’re not able to give a tangible answer to this question but they will also not make an effort to find out the correct answer for themselves. They will just go with the answer that feels appropriate, an answer they might have heard from someone or read somewhere.

Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism is much more than that. It’s not the stories that make this religion, nor the rituals or sacrifices or songs. It’s something much deeper. In this book, I’ve attempted to capture the essence of Hinduism. I know that most Hindus are not fond of seeking out answers, even when the shortest possible answer is in front of them in the form of the Bhagvad Gita. So I will keep this book very short and try to capture generic information from the Vedic Literature in the most concise way possible for me.

This book has been written using research and textual references from the Upanishads, Puranas and a lot of websites (especially Wikipedia).