What’s Next? an eBook to increase your book sales, become a best-seller

(2 customer reviews)


As per some popular belief, being a best-seller book is 100% luck. And, that is a lie.

It is not so easy to write and publish a book and become bestseller author in a single week or month or even in a year. There are some strategies which you can follow without spending a single penny. This book covers some tricks and easy to implement strategies which can help you to achieve your desired target.

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As per some popular belief, being a best-seller book is 100% luck.

And, that is a lie.

For regular authors, it is 15% luck, 20% book-cover & appearance, 15% content and 50% strategy.

For already famous authors, it is actually a combination of 15% luck, 5% book-cover & appearance, 10% content, 25% strategy and 45% popularity quotient of the author.

It is not so easy to write and publish a book and become bestseller author in a single week or month or even in a year. There are some strategies which you can follow without spending a single penny. This book covers some tricks and easy to implement strategies which can help you to achieve your desired target.

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2 reviews for What’s Next? an eBook to increase your book sales, become a best-seller

  1. Anonymous (verified owner)

  2. Utkarsh Pandey (verified owner)

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