Call Yourself a Sikh? by B S Badesha (Historical Fiction)


This book is primarily for Balwinder Singh Badesha’s grandchildren so that they know about their ancestry without falling into the Religious Traps of the extremists. Religion should not be corrupted, abused or misused.


Balwinder Singh Badesha left his small village of Budihana near Jalandhar City and emigrated to England in 1962. He was educated in Kent and then set up and worked in his own small businesses and is now retired. This book is primarily for his grandchildren so that they know about their ancestry without falling into the Religious Traps of the extremists. Religion should not be corrupted, abused or misused.

Additional information

Weight 0.379 kg
Dimensions 14 × 1.6 × 21.6 cm

Perfect Binding

Number of Pages



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