Introduction to Disaster & Its Management by Ravi Kumar Kanda (Non-Fiction)


The current book deals with the general viewpoints of disaster, its management, different examples of natural and man-made disasters, impact of disaster on structure and non-structure, its mitigation, and the impact of disaster on the GDP.


The current book deals with the general viewpoints of disaster, its management, different examples of natural and man-made disasters, impact of disaster on structure and non-structure, its mitigation, and the impact of disaster on the GDP. The book comprises detailed study of different disasters like earthquakes, forest fires, road accidents, tornados, hurricanes, typhoons their causes, types, and their negative impacts. Exercise of mock drill used to evacuate from building in case of any disasters is also mentioned.

Additional information

Weight 0.130 kg
Dimensions 14 × 1 × 21.6 cm

Perfect Binding


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