Optional Physics & Thought Analysis by Debasis Nath (Science and Technology)


There are many concepts of physics that depend only on interpretation. Those explanations are made by some examples. Those examples are proven fact in the laboratory. The reason why the example is being used, that reason does not have to be true, unless I can give you the Evidence. That is, if the example is true, the reason is not true. So I think there are three fraud theories which are complement each other such as spiritual theory, Big Bang theory and Black Hole theory. These theories depend only on interpretation. These theories do not depend on evidence.


I am Debasis Nath is the father of ‘OPTIONAL PHYSICS & THOUGHT ANALYSIS’. There is no relation and impression between optional physics and traditional physics. It is an independent thought experiment.

Depending on one interpretation, we cannot come to the truth. If there is more than one thought on one subject, it is for the benefit of the people. If there is more than one Thought Experiment, it is advantageous to come to the truth by analyzing and comparing. Depending on the interpretation, the truth cannot be proved. Evidence is needed to prove the truth. If there is more than one Thought Experience, then the benefit of people is to know which is true and which is false. Depending on just one Thought Experience, the truth can never be reached. In a 15 year effort I made a new Thought Experiment so that people can compare and achieve the truth. There are many concepts of physics that depend only on interpretation. Those explanations are made by some examples. Those examples are proven fact in the laboratory. The reason why the example is being used, that reason does not have to be true, unless I can give you the Evidence. That is, if the example is true, the reason is not true.

There are many concepts of physics that depend only on interpretation. Those explanations are made by some examples. Those examples are proven fact in the laboratory. The reason why the example is being used, that reason does not have to be true, unless I can give you the Evidence. That is, if the example is true, the reason is not true. So I think there are three fraud theories which are complement each other such as spiritual theory, Big Bang theory and Black Hole theory. These theories depend only on interpretation. These theories do not depend on evidence.

With this book, we will learn how to think without being influenced by a traditional concept. For a linguistic mistake, you will forgive me in human wisdom please.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg
Dimensions 14 × 1 × 21.6 cm

Perfect Binding


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