Proceedings of 6th PSSI Plasma Scholars Colloquium (PSC 2018)


The Department of Physics at SMIT is focused to upgrade the knowledge of physics for teaching and advanced research. Full-time Post Graduate courses approved by UGC were started by Dept. of Physics from Aug. 1999.

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The Department of Physics at SMIT is focused to upgrade the knowledge of physics for teaching and advanced research. Full time Post Graduate courses approved by UGC were started by Dept. of Physics from Aug. 1999. It offers Master Degree and PhD courses in Physics and teaches Engineering Physics at B.Tech level. The Department has a team of very experienced, highly qualified and dedicated faculty members with expertise in Plasma Physics, Particle Physics, High Energy, Condensed Matter, Nanotechnology and Electronics. Adequate laboratory facilities have been erected by the University as per the requirement of UGC.

The department regularly has to its credit various research papers as publications in Journals and Workshop/Conference proceedings. The students are thus exposed to mixed metro environment, in serene land of Sikkim Students with deep sense of scientific enquiry are welcome to avail the facilities. The students in M.Sc. are exposed to research environment at their final year itself through research-based dissertation. High level dissertation works are published in peer reviewed journals. The MSc. Syllabus is designed so that the students can easily take up the challenges of National Level Test in Physics for pursuing higher education or for scientific jobs. Many of our students has cleared GATE/NET/GRE exams and has completed or pursuing Ph.D. within the country or from abroad. A large number of students are placed in government sectors through civil service exams, banking, SSC, etc or placed in private sectors.

All the faculty members are actively involved in research and have published number of research articles and have got sponsored research projects.  We have worked in the past and are working in national collaboration with India Based Neutrino Observatory (INO) to be set up in India. We are also working with NPL, IPR, Bose Institute, IACS, IITs, Central Universities, etc.



The colloquium has a broad theme of “Plasma Science and Technology” encompassing all areas of plasma physics. It includes all the facets of plasma to have a wide spectral composition of the young plasma researcher of the country. This platform has proven to be an exciting arena for exchange of ideas and brainstorming for new ideas. The broad areas that are covered in this colloquium are:

  •          Basic Plasma Physics
  •          Computer Modeling for Plasma
  •          Exotic Plasma (Including Dusty Plasma )
  •          Industrial Plasma Applications
  •          Laser Plasma
  •          Nuclear Fusion & Technology
  •          Plasma Diagnostics
  •          Plasma Processing
  •          Pulsed Power
  •          Space & Astrophysical Plasma
  •          Any other plasma area