Recent Advances In Science, Commerce And Humanities by Dr. Tarun Kumar Jana (Academic)


New year was started with new items and new thought which reflected us to make something new and absolutely different. Remembering the theme in mind, this edited book is published for the first time from Mount Mary college in December, 2019. This book is divided into 15 (fifteen) chapters. The various subject based write up and different sphere of knowledge tagged together in papers from different sphere i.e. from humanities to science and commerce has made this book unique.


New year was started with new items and new thought which reflected us to make something new and absolutely different. Remembering the theme in mind, this edited book is published for the first time from Mount Mary college in December, 2019. This book is divided into 15 (fifteen) chapters. The various subject based write up and different sphere of knowledge tagged together in papers from different sphere i.e. from humanities to science and commerce has made this book unique.

Though the growth of a country often depends on GDP per capita, but one should differentiate between the quality and quantity of growth. If the income distribution is highly skewed towards the richer end of the populace, the poorer section will not be directly benefitted from the overall wealth generated in the country. So, GDP must be complemented by several other factors to judge the proper development of a country and the well-being of its citizen. It should ensure physical, social and economic safety and political freedom for all. Besides, there must have some measures to protect the environment and security of food, health, education, job and housing for all the citizens. Keeping aside the underdeveloped countries, in the developing countries including our own India and even in the developed countries it is observed that there is huge gap in the distribution of wealth from what they claim as it is. Though several meetings and conferences are being held by Government Organizations and at United Nation and resolutions are taken thereof, more than half of the world population live, but not in the life of a civilized human being, devoid of food, shelter and education. On the other hand, environmental degradation is taking place at even faster rate due to improper urbanization and unequal growth pattern. All these curses are the result of clear difference between the government policies and their implementation. Awareness of the people of their rights and duties as true citizen of a country is very essential to prevent this kind of maladies. Only spread of education can do this miracle and lead a nation towards sustainable growth.

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