Supernatural Diary – A quest by Devraj Sanyal


The book consists of plethora of examples which are real and true. The objective of this book is not to frighten the readers by telling them strange stories rather it is a blatant attempt to find the cause of those unusual happenings.


Life surprises you every moment you take it for granted. Sometimes you come across experiences in your life which is beyond comprehension. Sometimes you meet with events which   shake your belief and washes out all the sands of your expectations. And sometimes there are things   which bother you to the core but you seldom manage to accumulate the courage to delve deep into it and probe.

Humans are slaves of their habits, predictions, expectations and speculations. If you distort any one of them it will give birth to FEAR. The fear of unknown, the fear of insecurity and the fear of asking questions.

But there are few who break the shackles of this fear and turns it into quest.  A Quest to chase the fear , A quest to unlock the secret of  unknown , a quest to find a different meaning of life and sometimes a quest to understand the elements that are beyond life. Over the years people have been fetish about SUPERNATURAL. And most of the time we synonymies Supernatural as ghosts

But your whole perception will change after you read this book called “Supernatural Diary _ A quest by Devraj Sanyal” This book is a complete blend of Parascience, Metaphysics, Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT) and Anthropology explained in very lucid language.

The book consists of plethora of examples which are real and true. The objective of this book is not to frighten the readers by telling them strange stories rather it is a blatant attempt to find the cause of those unusual happenings.

Mr. Devraj Sanyal, the author of the book, seems to be a real and ultimate hunter who hunts for facts and tries to justify what he has believed over the years. In his book Mr.  Sanyal has also quoted his conversation with many eminent people and explained how and what makes it all happen that bothers mankind so much.

It is actually his research diary which has been further refined to make it easy read for us. If you are still saying that you do not care about Supernatural, then you are actually dwelling far from the world of truth, exploration and justification, the qualities that helps a man to learn, develop and grow.

“Supernatural Diary, A quest by Devraj Sanyal”   is a must read for those who nurture the quest for knowing the truth and for the people who loves to be afraid, it’s time to justify your belief.