The Stranger Enunciated: One Life Is Enough | Dr. Pitam Singh | Memoir | Motivational | Inspirational | Miscellaneous


Drawing heavily from his personal and professional experience, Dr. Singh suggests means and ways to deal with difficulties, suffering, and challenges, through the vicissitudes – that can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understating.


Drawing heavily from his personal and professional experience, Dr. Singh suggests means and ways to deal with difficulties, suffering, and challenges, through the vicissitudes – that can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understating. “The Stranger Enunciated: One Life Is Enough” is a story entangling the lives of these four quite different people who are bound together by love and friendship. They were living happily, when a stranger enters their lives unwelcome and introduces them to their ‘destiny. The stranger articulates that achieving something substantial in life does not depend solely on arduous work but also on destiny. He discusses the nature of loving relationships: the importance of compatibility and opposites and how love and dependency are different. The story of the stranger and his predictions of impending trouble in the life of the protagonist is mysterious. Will their destiny mold them into its colors or will they find themselves? The book is a curious mixture of autobiography and fantasy.

Dr. Pitam Singh (b.1955) is a Chemical Engineer and social scientist instinctively. Having passed his first degree in Engineering, Dr. Singh finished his master’s degree (M.Sc.) in Development Studies from the University of Bath, UK, and Ph.D. in Social Science. He did his MBA from MDI, Gurgaon, and George Mason University, Washington, USA. He worked as an Engineer and Manager in NFL, Panipat, and CRL, Cochin, and joined Planning Commission, now NITI Aayog, as Senior Research Officer in 1991. He worked as deputy advisor, joint advisor, deputy chief commissioner and director for 45 years in the government. He has authored four books and attended international conferences all over the world including World Bank, IMF, in Washington, NUS, Singapore, UN Conference, Bangkok, University of California, University of Unicamp, Brazil, etc.

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