Understanding the Trends in Allergic Rhinitis by Dr Nitika Gupta, Dr Rohan Gupta and Dr Sunil Kotwal (Science)


This book, published in the month of October 2018, is focussed on the epidemiology patterns seen worldwide, the risk factors associated, the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis, the causes behind the clinical picture and the diagnostic techniques used these days for categorizing a patient as having Allergy.

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This book is focussed on the epidemiology patterns seen worldwide, the risk factors associated, the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis, the causes behind the clinical picture and the diagnostic techniques used these days for categorizing a patient as having Allergy.

This book will benefit the young Otolaryngologist to understand the concept of allergy and would help them to differentiate between the various types of Rhinitis syndromes and guide them in their clinical practice which these days is dominated by the epidemic of Allergy worldwide.

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