Free Giveaway-Soil Science At A Glance


Soil science is a specialized branch of agriculture which is associated with the different areas of soil pedology, soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, soil fertility, plant nutrition etc. It is therefore worthwhile to understand the nature and behavior of natural resources for sustainable agricultural production. Soil science at a glance assembles and summarizes pertinent available information for the student of agriculture in general and  soil science in particular.

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Dr. Khalil Khan received his B. Sc. (Ag.) & M. Sc. (Ag.) degree in Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry from R.B.S. College Bichpuri, Agra (UP). He obtained Ph.D. degree in Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry from NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (UP). He has to give credit several research paper publications in National and International Journals. He was been conferred various awards for paper presentations by reputed institutes. Dr. Khan is also a member of many professional societies. He has vast experience in the field of Soil Science & Agricultural. Chemistry. He is the author of nine books on different aspects of Soil Science. Presently he is actively engaged as a Soil Scientist in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, C.S.A. University Kanpur (UP).

Dr. Ram Prakash received his B.Sc. (Ag. & AH) and M.Sc. (Ag.) degrees in Agronomy from Chandra Shekhar Azad University, Kanpur (UP). He completed Ph.D. Degree in Agronomy from Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi. He has published several research papers and is a life member of the Indian Society of Agronomy. He has attended several national congresses and International conferences. Presently he is actively engaged in KVK, Chandra Shekhar Azad University, Kanpur (UP) as Head/Senior Scientist since April 2003.

Mr. Athar Husain Warsi received his B.Sc. (Ag.) & M.Sc. (Ag.) degrees in Soil Conservation and Water Management from Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur. He has published several research papers & is a lifetime member of the Indian Journal of Soil Conservation and Water Management. He has attended several national congresses & international conferences. Presently he is actively engaged in KVK Aligarh as an Officer-In-charge under the jurisdiction of Chandra Shekhar Azad University Kanpur.

Dr. Ashok Kumar got his B.Sc. (Ag. & AH) degree in 1984 and M. Sc. (Ag) in Agronomy in 1986 from C.S Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur. He received Ph.D. degree from Indian Agriculture Research Institute (I.A.R.I.) Pusa, New Delhi. He started his career from 20.12.1995 as an Asst. Professor of Agronomy at the College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Etawah. He was promoted to the post of Training Organizer (presently as Sr. Scientist and Head) of K.V.K. in 2003 at K.V.K. Raebareli and Jalaun. Presently, he is working in K.V.K. Daleep Nagar, Kanpur Dehat. Dr. Ashok Kumar acted as a member in Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Commission during 2007-2009. During his stay on the post of head K.V.K., he got many Prizes and Awards in 2021. He was awarded by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shree Yogi Aditya Nath Ji. He published 6 Books, 41 Folders, 6 Technical Bulletins, 3 Mannuals etc.

Soil science is a specialized branch of agriculture which is associated with the different areas of soil pedology, soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, soil fertility, plant nutrition etc. It is therefore worthwhile to understand the nature and behavior of natural resources for sustainable agricultural production. Soil science at a glance assembles and summarizes pertinent available information for the student of agriculture in general and  soil science in particular.

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