Murder on the Khoai by Sreela Das Gupta (Murder Mystery)


Mrinalini Gupta, a semi-retired consultant after years of corporate life, has moved back home, to Santiniketan – Rabindranath Tagore’s university town in India. Her desire to lead a peaceful life is shattered by the murder of a stranger. She is determined to solve the mystery despite a dodgy hip and knee.


Mrinalini Gupta, a semi-retired consultant after years of corporate life, has moved back home, to Santiniketan – Rabindranath Tagore’s university town in India. Her desire to lead a peaceful life is shattered by the murder of a stranger. She is determined to solve the mystery despite a dodgy hip and knee. Along with her close family – especially JJ, her aunt, her faithful domestic support system, and sturdy crutch – she navigates a complex set of non-clues and relationships to eventually save the day.

This book falls within the genre of ‘Cosy mysteries’. Perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon or to pack in for a vacation.

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