Prangon by Jhoom Choudhary with Free CD Recitation by Brototi Bandyopadhaya


Long back she leave her own surroundings and never back to her own culture, own people. But her love for Sweet Bengal, for her mother tongue never decease. From the love of her country she starts creative works. Anything comes to her mind she feels a deep addiction to tell to her mother, to write in her own mother tongue. That affection causes the creation of this great work PRANGON.

SKU: ISBN 978-93-84882-57-0 Categories: , , , ,


Long back she leave her own surroundings and never back to her own culture, own people. But her love for Sweet Bengal, for her mother tongue never decease. From the love of her country she starts creative works in one hand and home making in other. Whenever anything comes to her mind she feels a deep addiction to tell to her mother, to write in her own mother tongue. That affection causes the creation of this great work PRANGON.

Her writings narrate her feelings about the present society. She looks the society from a different angle. She can look at the nature from such an angle from where everybody can’t. Only Jhoom can compare ‘year’ as mother, six seasons as her children. Mother’s thinking to her ungrateful son with her love and affection much touches heart of anybody. Such uncommon angle of her poems and very familiar and common words will attract the readers easily.

Additional information

Weight 0.95 kg
Dimensions 14 × 0.6 × 20.3 cm


Perfect Binding

Number of Pages



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