Snippets of my emotions by Asma Siddiqui


Snippets of my emotions is an anthology of black and white alphabets originating from that place where the mind of writer wanders and which when stringed together formed an art piece known as poetry. A compilation of some small poems dealing various emotions, imaginations and aspirations as seen from the eyes of an awaken dreamer with a fragmented mind.


Snippets of my emotions is an anthology of black and white alphabets originating from that place where the mind of writer wanders and which when stringed together formed an art piece known as poetry. A compilation of some small poems dealing various emotions, imaginations and aspirations as seen from the eyes of an awaken dreamer with a fragmented mind.Between the lines of poems there is reflection of the conscience of a girl in a world, which is bitterly beautiful and imperfectly perfect.

The writer is a college going girl currently pursuing Bachelors course in Zoology. Words are her world where she resides and and she paints her ingenuity through alphabets.  She loves to imagine possibilities and put them into writing basically in English and Urdu but barely gets the time. Few of her stories and pieces are published in newspapers, regional magazine and some of are in e-book format, which are available online.

Additional information

Weight 0.105 kg
Dimensions 14 × 0.4 × 21.6 cm


Perfect Binding

Number of Pages



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