A Saga of the Legacy by Kunwar Akshant | A Saga of the Legacy | Kunwar Akshant | Contemporary Fiction | Contemporary Novel | Contemporary Novel by Kunwar Akshant | Love Story


If we are falling in love with someone with the hope, that after a certain time, he/she will be everything in our life; and that pre-conception leads us to a mysterious & unpredictable world, which can never be imagined or conceptualized in a little bit space of our mind.


If we are falling in love with someone with the hope, that after a certain time, he/she will be everything in our life; and that preconception leads us to a mysterious & unpredictable world, which can never be imagined or conceptualized in the little bit space of our mind. But it is very much common in every love story. We must think about this new & imaginative ambience in our mind on which, the whole journey of our life will depend with our expectations. But it is a world of fantasy. Beyond it, our own world too exists. And we have to believe and see when, that world stands before us.

Additional information

Weight 0.320 kg
Dimensions 14 × 1.4 × 21.6 cm

Perfect Binding

Number of Pages



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